Macbeth - Lesson 19 - Birnam Wood and Dunsinane Castle PowerPoint

Year 5 - Year 6
Macbeth - Lesson 19 - Birnam Wood and Dunsinane Castle PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

English Resource Description

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In Lesson 19, titled "Birnam Wood and Dunsinane Castle," students delve into the intricacies of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," focusing on the development of the plot and the use of character and symbolism to explore underlying themes. The lesson objectives aim to deepen students' understanding of the narrative and the literary devices employed by Shakespeare. One of the key symbols discussed is sleep – or the lack thereof – which plagues both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in Act 5, Scene 3. Students are prompted to ponder the significance of sleep and night recurring throughout the play, and to consider why the characters are unable to find rest. The symbolism of sleep is further examined, alongside the fear of darkness that Lady Macbeth exhibits, inviting speculation on what darkness might represent within the context of the play.

The lesson also explores the motif of handwashing by Lady Macbeth in the same scene, prompting students to discuss the symbolism behind this compulsive behaviour. Additionally, attention is drawn to the disjointed prose style of Lady Macbeth's speech, and students are encouraged to consider why Shakespeare might have chosen this particular style for her dialogue. The scene's setting at Dunsinane Castle and the presence of a doctor at the beginning are used to lead into a discussion about Macbeth's mood and the state of his hopes for victory. Students are tasked with identifying text excerpts that allude to themes of old age, exhaustion, and dying. Finally, the lesson concludes with an analysis of the doctor's words and their implications, as he expresses a desire to be away from Dunsinane, indicating the ominous atmosphere that has enveloped the castle.

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